moving house

Must-Have Local Services After Moving House

CCTVTV AerialsTV Installation
Sep-2020 / 4 min read

Reading Time: 4 minutes


So you’ve finally moved. You can now throw away your extensive and long moving house checklist. You have successfully pulled it off. Hopefully, there weren’t any problems.

Unfortunately for you, you can’t celebrate and invite your family and friends over just yet. It’s now time to pull up your post-moving house checklist. You read that right. Groan if you want, but you know that it must be done.

One of the major items that should be on your post-moving house checklist is compiling a list of the local servicemen in the area. Here we have listed down the essential must-have local services once you have moved houses. Why local? Because they know the lay of the land more than you and can propose small tweaks in your plans that will help it better fit the neighbourhood. Additionally, their proximity to your property would mean reduced waiting time and costs.

Entertainment System: Aerial Engineer

Having a fully-functioning entertainment system is the first step towards settling in your new home. Being in a new area can be quite a stressful time. Having a comfortable space where you can relax and unwind after a long day is essential. Your entertainment system does not have to be a full-grown home theatre. It just needs to receive TV reception so you can watch your favourite shows. And no, you don’t need cable!

If it’s your first time in the UK, you must know that the country has Freeview. Freeview is the biggest TV platform in the UK, used in 18 million homes. It provides 95% of the nation’s most popular shows for FREE! If you want to have free TV programming, look for a local Aerial engineer. Call them immediately so you can set up your TV.

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Home Security

According to the Office for National Statistics, the total police recorded crime increased by 3% for the year in England and Wales. If this statistic disturbs you, then you might want to invest in home security. When you’re in a new location, it’s understandable that you feel uncomfortable sleeping at night. What can help you is knowing that you and your family is safe and secure.

We’ve listed down two of the best ways to improve your home security.


If you’re moving into a place that other people have lived in before, it might be best for you to change the locks. By doing this, you can ensure that only you will have a copy of your keys. And while you’re changing your locks, splurge a little bit and choose industrial strength locks to keep out intruders. Have your local locksmith change your locks immediately after you’ve moved.


CCTVs act as a visual deterrent to burglars by sending the message that your property has surveillance. While it doesn’t turn crime away 100%, it works most of the time. And in the unfortunate event that your house does get broken into, you can use the footage to find out the perpetrators. Video footage may also be used in court as evidence. Read here which type of CCTV is best to install for your property. Once you have decided, call your local CCTV installer for more information.


What is a house without Wi-Fi? Unless you want to live in the Dark Ages, one essential house commodity you must have installed is your internet. Check around the neighbourhood on what the best Internet service provider is for your area. In fact, you can have your Internet connected before you move in, so you don’t have to deal with servicemen inside your house while you are unpacking all of your stuff.

Waste Disposal

If you just had your new place refurbished and renovated, then one thing you need to think of next is how you’re going to dispose all of your waste. Construction materials, demolished walls, old furniture. What do you with all of these? You can’t just leave them on the curb outside the streets. It would be best to have the number of your local skip hire to clear the rubbish for you. By doing this, you can come in to your new house all clean.


Safety is key to living harmoniously inside your new place. If you’re moving in a previously lived-in home, it would be best to contact your local plumber to give your plumbing system a once-over. They can assess the state of your plumbing system and identify any problems that you might face. Additionally, they can determine whether there are parts of your plumbing system that must be repaired or replaced before they break down. You don’t exactly want to wake up in the middle of the night with a plumbing emergency like a broken boiler or a burst pipe, do you?

Emergency Phone Numbers

The number one rule of safety is to know all of the emergency phone numbers in the area. If you can’t find the details online, ask the number from your realtor or landlord. It’s imperative that you know the local number of the nearest police station and fire department. Also, you must know the contact details of your utilities providers such as the water department, gas company, and power company.

It’s another task that’s being added to your already gargantuan list of tasks, but it’s worth in the long run. Maintaining your new house will be easy once you’ve gotten familiar with your local servicemen.

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